Bu miniatyurali konveyer ikki tomonlama kichik konveyer tasmasi. Birinchidan, vaqtni bilaguzukli konveyerga o'xshash, bu mikro konveyer yuklarni tashish uchun ikkita kamarga ega. Aslida, bu mikro konveyer lentasi bizning rus mijozimiz uchun. Ikki kanalli mini konveyerning qo'llanilishi g'isht zavodiga mo'ljallangan. Kichik konveyer tizimida ikkita yog'och raft mavjud. Va keyin robot tutadi va g'ishtlarni yog'och javonlarga qo'yadi. Shunday qilib, bu miniatyurali konveyer lentasi yog'och tokchalarni siqib chiqaradi & robotlar zonasidan g'isht. Sifatida mini konveyer ishlab chiqaruvchi, biz mijozlar sifatida ko'plab kichik konveyer mashinalarini ishlab chiqarishimiz va ishlab chiqarishimiz mumkin’ talablar.
U osib qo'yiladi ( oyoqsiz ) robot ramkasida. Bundan tashqari u bor 2 kanallar ( chap va o'ng robot-yarim bilan ishlash uchun ). Va yog'och javonlarni tashish uchun etarlicha mustahkam bo'lishi uchun qalin materiallardan foydalanish kerak 50 kg. Mijozning aytishicha, ularning g'isht zavodi va atrof-muhit juda chang.
The Design Features of This Miniature Conveyor Belt:
1. Birinchidan, ikkita konveyer bantlari mavjud. Shunday qilib, bu oddiy konveyer mashinasidan bir oz farq qiladi.
2. Ikkinchidan, dvigatelni ushlab turish uchun o'rnatish moslamasi mavjud. Chunki ularning uskunalari uchun joy cheklangan, vosita yuqori masofada tashqi.
3. Uchinchidan, chunki etkazib beriladigan mahsulotlar og'ir, we use 5mm thickness rubber belts and 3mm thickess frame. Shunday qilib, u yanada bardoshli va uzoq umrga ega.
4. Keyin, shuningdek, yuqori yuk ko'tarish talablari tufayli, konveyerning pastki qismiga payvandlangan ikkita po'lat plitalar mavjud.
5. Nihoyat, the most parts are connected each other by bolts. So it’s easy to install and maintainan the small conveyor belt.
Ushbu mikro konveyer bantining texnik parametrlari:
1. Miniature conveyor length: 810mm, and belt width: 200mm;
2. Small conveyor belt: 5mm thickness black rubber belt;
3. Frame and brackets material: bo'yalgan uglerod po'latdir;
4. Load-bearing capacity: 50KG for each micro conveyor belt;
5. Dvigatel: CPG brand 400W gear motor with speed controller;
6. Mini conveyor speed: 0.5m/s;
7. Motor bracket height: 600mm;
8. The drive chain is protected by a conver;
9. The driving roller: φ50mm seamless steel roller with textures, and driven roller is also φ50mm seamless steel roller.
10. Support plate: there are two bent galvanized sheets under the two belts. Bundan tashqari, there are two 3mm thickness steel plates under the miniature conveyor.
How does this miniature conveyor work?
Aslida, the working principle of this micro belt conveyor is similar to other small conveyor belts. Hammasidan ustun, the external motor drive the transmission chain. The only difference is that the chain does not directly drive the driving roller. Instead, it directly drives the shaft in the middle of the two micro conveyor belts. The shaft connects two bearing seats. Because the bearing seats connect two driving roller, the shaft can drive the two rollers. And then two driving rollers make the two belts run at the same time. You can adjust the conveyor speed.
Why it needs the driving roller with texture?
Kategoriyalar ko'pincha kamarning siljishi fenomeniga ega. Bunga yo'l qo'ymaslik uchun, u bunday roliklardan foydalanadi. Rolik yuzasidagi to'qima ishqalanishni kuchaytirishi mumkin. Keyin u kamarning siljishini oldini olishi mumkin. Bundan tashqari, kamar ostidagi tayanch plitasi ham ishqalanishni kuchaytirishi mumkin. When designing and using micro conveyors, we must avoid belt slippage. Aks holda, the belt is prone to wear or breakage. Eventually it will affect the normal operation of the conveyor.
1-savol: Are your miniature conveyor belt strong?
A1: Albatta. In order to ensure its durability, we uses 5mm thickness rubber belt. And the frame uses 3mm thickness steel. It’s thicker than normal mini conveyor.
2-savol: How to adjust belt tension?
A2: There are tension adjustment mechanisms on the two sides of the micro conveyor. They connect the two driven rollers. When adjusting, it can change the roller distance, so it can achieve to adjust belt tension.
3-savol: How do I solve the problem of belt deviation of small conveyor?
A3: It’s same to adjust belt tension. If the belt deviation occurs at the lelft side, then adjust the left tension adjustment mechanism.
4-savol: How long is the warranty time of your mini conveyor?
5-savol: The warranty time of our miniatyurali konveyer belt is one year.
Hozircha hech qanday sharh yo'q.