Bosib chiqarilgandan keyin, foydalanish kerak konveyer quritgich ekranli bosib chiqarish kiyimlarni quritish uchun. Quritishning maqsadi quyidagicha: birinchi navbatda, Bu ranglarning aralashishini oldini olish uchun. Ikkinchisi, siyohlarni yuvish tezligini yaxshilash uchun kuchli plyonka hosil qilishdir. Tunnel quritgich ekranini bosib chiqarish kiyim bosib chiqarishda muhim rol o'ynaydi. Bu to'g'ridan -to'g'ri bosib chiqarish tezligi va ta'siriga ta'sir qiladi. Shuning uchun, futbolkalarning barqarorligi konveyer tasmasini quritgich yuqori sifatli bosib chiqarishga erishish kalitidir.
Ipak ekranli konveyer quritgichi nima?
Bu uzluksiz infraqizil to'rli quritgich. Birinchidan, biz futbolka va boshqa kiyimlarni harakatlanuvchi konveyerga qo'yamiz. Ular quritish va pishirish uchun tunnelli o'choqli pechga yuboriladi. Keyin tarmoqli kamar orqali chiqaring. Bu yig'ish liniyasini hosil qiladi. Shunday qilib, bu mehnat unumdorligini oshiradi va mehnat unumdorligini pasaytiradi. Kiyim yanada tekis va to'liq isitiladi. Oxir oqibat, ipak ekranli bosib chiqarish sifatini yaxshilang.
Konveyer quritgichli ekranli bosib chiqarishni qo'llash: Futbolkani quritishdan tashqari & kiyim, biz undan boshqa mahsulotlarni pishirish uchun ham foydalanamiz, oziq -ovqat kabi, shisha, elektron komponentlar, buzadigan amallar mahsulotlari, qog'oz, va boshqalar. Infraqizil bantli konveyer quritgichi solventli siyohlarni tez quritish va namlik tarkibidagi umumiy narsalarni quritish uchun javob beradi..
How does tunnel conveyor dryer screen printing work?
Boshqa bilan solishtirganda konveyer o'chog'i, tunnel quritgichli ekranli bosib chiqarish shunga o'xshash tuzilishga ega. Konveyer pechini bosib chiqarish ushbu asosiy qismlarni o'z ichiga oladi, tarmoqli tarmoqli konveyer kabi, isitish moslamasi, shamol ta'minlovchi qurilma va haroratni nazorat qilish tizimi.
Bosib chiqarishda, we often use eco-friendly water-soluble inks. Shuning uchun, it is necessary to quickly evaporate the water in the ink during baking. So as to achieve rapid drying and curing. The silk screen conveyor dryer uses IR heating tube for drying. It can accelerate the volatilization rate of water and cosolvent. After water absorbs infrared rays, the temperature rises rapidly and evaporates.
The infrared wavelength of heater can match the absorption spectrum of the water-soluble ink very well. Bundan tashqari, it also matches the absorption spectrum of many textiles. According to the principle of wavelength matching, the molecular resonance of the heated material can be quickly realized. So as to quickly realize the absorption temperature. Ultimately conveyor belt dryer shortens the heating time for clothes.
How does conveyor belt dryer accurately control the temperature?
The conveyor dryer screen printing is low-temperature baking. The temperature control system composes of AC contactor, thermocouple, temp. control instrument, and heating elements. When the temperature reaches a certain level, the thermocouple detects it. Then transmit the data to the temperature control instrument. The meter feeds back to the AC contactor and informs the contactor to cut off power. Anavi, it will not continue heating. Aks holda, heating is performed. rolik va kamar orasiga narsalarni to'ldirish qat'iyan man etiladi, baking temperature is precisely controlled. The temperature error of conveyor belt dryer can be within ±3℃. So it can ensure the drying quality of printing products.
Technical Specification of Printing Conveyor Oven
Product Name | konveyer quritgich ekranli bosib chiqarish |
Conveyor oven type | infrared conveyor dryer |
Isitish elementi | carbon fiber IR heating tube |
Machine length | 1800mm |
Heating zone length | 1000mm |
Teflon mesh belt width | 650mm |
Conveyor belt speed | 1~5 meter/minute (tezligi sozlanishi) |
Total power | 4.8KVt |
Brutto vazni | Taxminan 200 kg |
Drying temperature | 0~250℃ |
Yaxshi eslatma: biz tunnel quritgich ekranini bosib chiqarishni sizning o'lchamingiz bo'yicha sozlashimiz mumkin & talablar.
T -ko'ylakli konveyer bantli quritgichning xususiyati
1. Birinchidan, infraqizil nurlari siyohni quritish uchun etarlicha penetratsion kuchga ega. Shuning uchun, this conveyor dryer screen printing is easier to dry the ink and glue.
2. Ikkinchidan, issiq havo aylanishi tarmoqli kamar quritgichining harorati teng va barqaror bo'lishini ta'minlaydi. Bundan tashqari, bosib chiqarishni to'liq davolashni osonlashtiradi. Bu nafaqat quritish maqsadiga erishadi, balki matoning qattiqligini ham maksimal darajada himoya qiladi. Shunday qilib, kiyimning rangi o'zgarishi va yonishini oldini oladi.
3. Uchinchidan, you can adjust the speed of tunnel dryer screen printing. Bundan tashqari, the drying temperature is adjustable. Shunday qilib, it meets the requirements of the drying time and temp. turli mahsulotlar uchun.
4. Double-layer design of heating zone shell. The internal thermal insulation material isolates the internal and external temperature. It saves energy and protects the working environment.
5. Oddiy tuzilish. The bracket can be easily disassembled. The heating tube is easy to replace. The mesh belt is durable. So it’s easy to maintain this conveyor belt dryer.
6. The height of the entrance and exit of screen conveyor dryer is also adjustable. Shuning uchun, it can not only prevent the heat from running out, but also meet the high demands of different products.
7. The conveyor dryer screen printing has an exhaust port. It is convenient to discharge the exhaust gas generated during the drying process.
Why use the Teflon mesh belt in the screen conveyor dryer?
We can find that most conveyor dryer screen printing uses the Teflon mesh belt. It is also namely PTFE mesh belt. Because of its below advantages, it is often used in screen conveyor belt dryer.
1. The applicable temperature range is between -70℃ and 280℃. It has weather resistance and anti-aging. After practical application, it can be placed continuously for 200 days at a high temperature of 250°C. Not only the strength will not decrease, but the weight will not decrease. Shuning uchun, it is very suitable for tunnel dryer screen printing.
2. Non-adhesive: It is not easy to adhere to any substance. Easy to clean all kinds of oil stains, ink or other attachments. So you can easily clean the inks on the belt when drying printing products.
3. Chemical resistance. It can resist the corrosion of strong acid, strong alkali and various organic solvents. Silk screen inks contain chemical substances. So it is an ideal conveyor belt for tunnel dryers.
4. Air permeability. The air permeability of the conveyor belt can improve the drying efficiency.
5. Qo'shimcha, it’s non-toxic. So it’s safe belt material for conveyor belt dryer.
6. Nihoyat, fire and flame retardant.
1-savol. Which inks can be dried by the conveyor dryer screen printing?
A1. This silk screen conveyor belt dryer can cure most printing inks and glue, such as thermosetting ink & adhesive and water based ink. But for UV ink, it needs the uv curing oven.
2-savol. How do conveyor dryer belt replacement?
A2. Aslida, similar to other belt conveyors, it easy to replace the mesh belt for printing conveyor oven. When you plan to exchange it, please note the conveying surface. Drag the mesh belt and go around the conveyor roller. The difficulty lies in connecting the conveyor belt. It needs patience. Pass the connecting wire into the hole of the mesh belt, and then fix it.
3-savol: Can I use it to dry food?
A3: Conveyor dryer has wide application in food industry. Ammo, the temperature and baking time of this model dryer may not be suitable for food. If you need a conveyor dryer for food, we can also customize it, including microwave tunnel dryer.
4-savol: What kind of heating element does this conveyor belt dryer use?
A4. This tunnel dryer screen printing uses the infrared heating lamp. Albatta, we can also customize it with stainless steel heater.
5-savol: What is the drying temperature and time?
A5. Actually, drying temperature and time of konveyer quritgich ekranli bosib chiqarish base on the specific application. We recommend to perform a drying test before batch baking. To find the best baking temperature and time.
Hozircha hech qanday sharh yo'q.