Bu tasma konveyer pechida mavjud 10 metr uzunlik va 5 isitish zonalari. Bu past haroratli sanoat konveyer quritgichi. Va u yuklarni tashish uchun yashil PVX kamarni qabul qiladi. PVX kamarning maksimal harorati 80 ° S dir. Shunday qilib, biz odatda isitish uchun ushbu konveyer quritish pechidan foydalanamiz & elektronika uchun siyoh va elimni davolash, ekranli bosib chiqarish, plastik & kauchuk & silikon rasm, va boshqalar.
Uzluksiz bantli konveyer pechining ishlash printsipi
Birinchidan, infraqizil isitgichlar ishlaydi va pervanel fanatlari issiqlikni isitish zonalariga tarqatadi. Oldindan qizdirilgandan keyin, sanoat konveyer quritgichi belgilangan haroratgacha qiziydi. Keyin PVX kamar mahsulotlarni quritish zonalariga o'tkazadi. Issiq havo aylanishi konveyer quritish pechidagi haroratni bir xil qiladi. Bu mahsulot qoplamalarining sifatini ta'minlash uchun muhim ko'rsatkichdir.
Turli xil isitish zonalari, har xil haroratni nazorat qilish tizimlari. Shunday qilib, u ishlab chiqarish jarayonining talablariga moslashuvchan tarzda javob berishi mumkin. RKC termostati tufayli, tasma konveyer pechi haroratni aniq nazorat qila oladi.
Quritish pechining konveyer xususiyatlari
1. The stands of belt conveyor oven are 40*40mm square tubes with adjustable feet.
2. Konveyer tasmasi: PVC belt, width 600mm, belt thickness 2.0mm.
3. Power part: 1.5KW three-phase motor, with frequency conversion speed regulation (0~6 meters per minute adjustable).
4. The outer cover of conveyor drying oven is made of cold plates. Effective dimensions of the inner zone: kengligi 600 mm, balandligi 50 mm.
5. The inner liner materials are galvanized sheet. The entrance and exit height is 100mm (sozlash mumkin).
6. The use of aluminum silicate cotton has good thermal insulation effect.
7. The heating elements use the infrared quartz heater tube with a power of 1KW.
8. Each cover of industrial conveyor dryer can be raised independently for easy maintenance.
9. Tunnel oven color: computer white (sozlash mumkin).
Features of industrial tunnel drying oven
1. Birinchidan, conveyor drying oven can achieve sectional control (when rising to set temperature, you can turn off several sections of the heating tubes at will to reduce the heating power. So it can save the power);
2. Ikkinchidan, the belt conveyor oven adopts intelligent temperature controller. Xuddi shu paytni o'zida, with SSR solid-state relay output, it can precisely control the accuracy of temperature. Qo'shimcha, there is an over-temperature protection function. Shuning uchun, when reaching the set temperature, it will automatically stop heating.
3. Uchinchidan, simple operation, convenient maintenance and adjustment. Low noise and high reliability. Low cost, low energy consumption and high production efficiency.
4. Nihoyat, this industrial conveyor dryer is with exhaust pipe. Tunnel oven are often used for drying and curing SMT components, printed circuit boards, konveyer quritgichga tez-tez texnik xizmat ko'rsatish kerak, va boshqalar. So it can discharge the exhaust gas generated during the drying process.
1-savol: How long is the service life of the heating tube?
A1: For our belt conveyor oven, the service life time of heater can be up to 2~3 years.
2-savol: What kind of heating element does your conveyor drying oven use?
A2: Odatda, our continuous drying oven uses the infrared heating lamps. Albatta, we can also supply the stainless steel heater or heater with heat sink.
3-savol: What brand of thermostat does your tunnel dryer use?
A3: Our industrial conveyor dryer usually adopts the RKC brand thermostat.
4-savol: What about the warranty time of your conveyor belt dryer?
A4: The warranty time of our belt conveyor oven bir yil.
Hozircha hech qanday sharh yo'q.