screen printing dryer machine

4m Pangatusan Conveyor Pencetakan Layar Panjang Didol



Mesin pengering cetak layar minangka jinis pengering sabuk sing terus-terusan. Trowongan pengering sabuk bolong nduweni aplikasi jembar kanggo pangatusan utawa nambani tinta, lim, cet, varnish ing ndhuwur akeh bahan, kayata kaos, klambi, gelas, plastik, logam, kulit, lsp. Inframerah murah sale conveyor printer layar didol. Peralatan pengering conveyor iki duwe loro zona pemanas. Bisa entuk kontrol suhu independen.

Apa sing diarani mesin cetak layar?? Beda karo oven vertikal biasa, duwe garis conveyor sabuk bolong tambahan. Amarga iki, operator ora kudu terus nyelehake lan njupuk bahan cetak. Suhu pangatusan lan wektu dikontrol kanthi otomatis dening sistem. Mula, bisa nggabungake pengering sabuk kanthi lancar kanthi proses pencetakan liyane. Mangkono, wujud lini produksi kanthi otomatis.


Kepiye kerjane mesin pengering layar??

Pengering sabuk bolong kalebu conveyor lan 2 kamar pangatusan. Nalika digunakake, nguripake daya. Sabuk conveyor bakal mindhah substrat pencetakan menyang ruang pengering. Ana tabung pemanas ing zona pemanas. Dheweke bisa panas lan garing produk sing dicithak. After the wind motor runs, it drives the impeller to work. And the impeller blows the hot air to every corner of the oven chamber.

The thermostat regulates the heating temperature at any time. This will avoid over-drying. Kajaba iku, the conveyor dryer has an exhaust port. It can effectively blow out the baked moisture. So make the drying effect better. Sawise garing, the mesh conveyor belt automatically transfer the printed products out. Minangka produsen oven conveyor, there are quality screen printing conveyor dryer for sale.


Specifications of screen mesh belt dryer

Machine name mesin pengering sablon
Dryer power 9KW
Machine overall length 4000mm
Mesh belt width 800mm (bisa disesuaikan)
Oven heating area 300x65cm
Suhu kerja 0~ 250 ℃
kacepetan Conveyor 1~5 meters per minute (luwes)
Conveyor dryer heating element Infrared heating tubes

Cathetan apik: in addition to this size screen printing conveyor dryer for sale, we can also customize it as customerssizes and specifications.


Features of screen printing conveyor dryer for sale

1. The screen printing dryer machine has 2 working zones. But you can set different temperatures for different heating zones. Independent control. So it’s convenient to apply. Kajaba iku, the thermostat displays the temperature in real time.

2. The mesh belt dryer adopts far-infrared heater and convection circulation heating. Mula, it can make the drying quality guaranteed. Sanalika, heats up quickly. So improves productivity.

3. You can adjust the drying temperature by setting thermostat, Kajaba iku, because of conveyor inverter, it can adjust mesh belt speed. So it allows you to control the baking time. Mula, this screen conveyor dryer can meet the drying needs of a variety of products.

4. This infrared conveyor dryer can cure many kinds of inks, such as water based ink, tinta kaca, thermosetting ink, lsp. But it can cure the UV ink.

5. Easy maintenance. It can undertake heater and belt replacement quickly. Kajaba iku, the conveyor oven screen printing is with universal wheels. Convenient to move.


How to use the conveyor oven screen printing?

Prepare for operating mesh belt dryer:

1. Turn on the power switch. Observe the power indicator to check whether the power is on. Check whether the fan is rotating.

2. Check if the screen printing dryer machine is normal.

Operation steps:

1, Firstly open the wind fan. Then turn on the heating switch. Set the drying temperature according to the product. And according to the baking time, adjust the conveyor speed.

2 、Kapindho, test the temperature and running speed to meet the production requirements. Fill in the record and confirm by the supervisor. Then start the operation.

3、Sak bubare, put the printed products onto the mesh belt conveyor in order. They will enter the mesh belt dryer automatically. Sawise garing, check the baking quality.

4、When stopping screen printing dryer machine, turn off the heating switch first. Allow to cool down for 3 menit, then turn off the fan. Then turn off the conveyor. Pungkasane, mateni ngalih daya.


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