Cur síos
Tar éis dúinn T-léinte a phriontáil, caithfidh sé é a thriomú. Is leacht é dúigh agus tá sé sreabhach go dtí go dtriomaíonn sé. Is gnách go mbíonn modhanna triomú nádúrtha níos moille. Do thionscal na clódóireachta, is gnách linn an triomadóir iompair léine t. Sa olltáirgeadh, triomadóir iompair scáileáin in ann éadaí a bhácáil go tapa. Mar sin feabhsaíonn sé éifeachtúlacht táirgeachta go mór.
Is cineál oigheann foirnéise tolláin é priontáil scáileáin triomadóra crios iompair. Cuimsíonn an triomadóir iompair scáileáin an iompróir crios mogalra agus an oigheann téimh. Ní féidir leis gníomhú ach mar thriomadóir iompair léine t, ach freisin táirgí priontála scáileáin eile a thriomú. Mar shampla, is gnách go n-úsáideann muid an triomadóir crios mogalra infridhearg seo chun gloine agus plaisteach a thriomú.
An bhfuil triomadóir iompair uait chun priontáil scáileáin?
Má bhácáil táirgí priontála scáileáin san oigheann triomadóra, beidh na fadhbanna seo a leanas ann:
Ar dtús, cumas íseal. Tóg an painéal gloine mar shampla. Leis an oigheann is féidir a chur 6 sraitheanna, gach ciseal de 22 píosaí. Ba chóir go sroichfeadh an teocht triomú 180 céimeanna. Is é an t-íosmhéid ama téimh 35 nóiméad. 8 ní féidir ach uaireanta oibre gan stad a bhácáil 1716 píosaí táirgí.
Ar an dara dul síos, tá an t-ualach oibre mór. Caithfidh an t-oibreoir ciseal a líonadh agus ansin é a chur san oigheann triomadóra. Tar éis bácála, caithfear é a thógáil amach ar a seal. Is gá na gníomhartha seo a athdhéanamh. T.
Is é an tríú teocht ard na dtáirgí tar éis a thriomú. Tá an fhéidearthacht ann go ndéanfar scaldáil ar an oibreoir. Mar sin tá sé níos contúirtí.
D’fhonn na heasnaimh sin a shárú, it needs a conveyor belt dryer screen printing.
How does T-shirts conveyor dryer work?
By setting up a mesh belt conveyor in the oven, it can make the screen printed products dry automatically. When use t shirt conveyor dryer, place the screen-printed products on the conveyor line. The mesh belt will transport products to screen conveyor dryer for baking. The exhaust gas from the drying process is discharged through the exhaust outlet. Faoi dheireadh, the dried product is moved through the mesh belt to the exit zone.
Úsáideann an priontáil scáileáin triomadóir crios iompair seo an lampa téimh infridhearg. Freisin, is féidir leis an impeller gaoithe an t-aer teasa a scaipeadh go tapa ar fud an oigheann. Tá an teocht sa triomadóir iompair scáileáin cothrom. Thairis sin, is féidir leis an teirmeastat teocht an triomadóra iompair t-léinte a rialú go beacht. Mar sin, cinnteoidh sé seo cáilíocht bácála.
Sonraíocht theicniúil priontáil scáileáin an triomadóra crios iompair seo
Ainm Táirge | triomadóir iompair léine t |
Power of mesh belt dryer | 7200W. |
Screen conveyor dryer length | 2500mm |
Crios téimh oigheann | 150x65cm (leithead crios 65cm) |
Teocht bácála | 0~ 250 ℃ |
Belt conveying speed | 1~5 meters / min (inchoigeartaithe) |
Heating element | Infrared lamps |
Iarratas | This continuous belt dryer has wide application in printing, electroplating, heat shrink packaging and electronics industry, srl |
Nóta comhchineáil: we can customize the conveyor belt dryer screen printing as customers’ specific sizes & riachtanais.
Characteristics of infrared screen conveyor dryer
1. Tunnel dryer screen printing adopts hot air circulation method (convection heating). The temperature inside the oven is uniform. Thairis sin, it heats up quickly.
2. The conveyor belt dryer screen printing is with a thermostat. So customer can adjust the temperature freely. Dá bhrí sin, it can adapt to the baking of different screen printing products.
3. The mesh belt conveyor is equipped with inverter. So you can adjust the running rate according to the actual needs. Faoi dheireadh, it can control the drying time.
4. The tunnel t shirt conveyor dryer oven is filled with insulation cotton, which can effectively reduce heat dissipation.
5. This screen conveyor dryer is with adjustable end shield. Not only easy to feed and discharge, ach is féidir leis idirleathadh teasa agus gaile dúch a bhac. Mar sin is féidir leis an dochar a dhéanann gal dúch do chorp an duine a laghdú.
How to operate the t shirt conveyor dryer rightly?
Before operating screen conveyor dryer, pls check the following items:
1. check whether flammable and explosive materials are above and near the conveyor belt dryer screen printing;
2. check whether the wind impeller is operating normally.
3. and check if the dryer mesh belt is running normally.
4. if it is a new conveyor dryer, it is best to test it firstly. This determines the best drying temperature and time.
Use the tunnel dryer screen printing:
After confirming that there is no abnormality in the drying oven, turn on the power switch. Then operate the control cabinet.
Next, turn on the start general switch — conveyor switch — heating switch — wind motor switch in turn.
After the conveyor furnace heating normally, operators should immediately check the air motor switch for abnormalities.
Set the mesh belt dryer temperature according to the product requirements. Ag an am céanna, set the belt conveyor speed.
Operators should frequently inspect the working condition of screen conveyor dryer.
Remember not to put your hand on the chain or gear part when the t shirt conveyor dryer is running.
Nóta comhchineáil:
Check the heat tubes of conveyor belt dryer screen printing daily to make sure it is normal.
Freisin, every 2 days, use the thermometer to test whether the temperature is normal.
Take care to keep the screen t shirt conveyor dryer glan.
Níl aon léirmheasanna fós.