
نوار نقاله مونتاژ پالت غلتکی تجمع گردش افقی


سیستم نوار نقاله مونتاژ یک تجهیزات خط تولید مهم است. نوار نقاله عرضی جریان آزاد زنجیره دو سرعته را به عنوان حامل کششی تصویب می کند. پالت قطعه کار می تواند آزادانه حمل و نقل کند. موقعیت شاتر را انتخاب می کند, تا قطعه کار بتواند آزادانه حرکت کند یا متوقف شود. طراحی نوار نقاله پالت قطعه کار انعطاف پذیر است. و توابع متنوع هستند. نوار نقاله زنجیره ای با سرعت دو برابر کاربرد گسترده ای در صنایع مونتاژ دارد, مانند لوازم الکترونیکی و صنایع الکترومکانیکی.


مشخصات فنی سیستم نوار نقاله مونتاژ

Here we list an example of a 20m circular assembly conveyor for a welder machine customer.

20m assembly line conveyor system

خیر. نام Assembly Conveyor Specification Q’ty
Circular Assembly Line for Welder 20 meters(L20m*W1950mm*H1.880m) 1 set
1 سیستم رانندگی
  1. Yongkun Brand 1.5KW motor with VFD speed control;
  2. Speed of tooling board: 6در دقیقه;
  3. Use RF2060,3 times speed accumulation roller chain.
2 set
2 Frame of Assembly Line Conveyor System 1. The support stands use 50mm * 50میلی متر * square tubes;
2. The guide rails of transverse conveyor super-strength 100*118mm special triple-speed aluminum profiles;
3. It adopts T5 18W single LED lamp with cover;
4. Install two-position plug-in seats at each workstation, each 1.2m/set;
5. Assemble the pneumatic triplet parts 40SM with 20PH quick connector;
40 متر
3 Control Box Using Mitsubishi PLC control, Mitsubishi air switch and OMRON relay
(Other brands are available)
1 set
4 Workpiece Pallet 1. اندازه: ل(800)*W(800)*تی(20) (میلی متر);
2. The workpiece pallet is made of 20mm wood. علاوه بر این, double-layer circular rotation free transition. Besides there is green anti-static rubber on the surface;
36 عدد
5 Blocker DY-1 high-quality blocker equipped with foot pedal pneumatic switch control; 34 مجموعه ها
6 Lifting and Transferring Device for Tooling Board 1. Toho 60W motor drives synchronous belt conveying;
2. The cylinder is with two-position five-way solenoid valve for lifting;
3. It adopts OMRON travel switch.
11 مجموعه ها
7 Transitional Transfer Device 1. Toho 60W motor-driven synchronous belt conveyor;
2. It adopts OMRON travel switch and SKK electric eye.
2 مجموعه ها
8 ESD Workbench 1000*1000*800میلی متر 7 مجموعه ها
9 Trial Welding Cabinet 1000*500*1500میلی متر 2 مجموعه ها
10 Commissioning Control Cabinet 550*550*1500میلی متر 7 مجموعه ها

Details & Features of Our Workpiece Pallet Transverse Conveyor

details of transverse conveyor

1. اولا, the double-speed chain conveyor uses a special aluminum profile guide rails. It is different from other conveyor rails.

2. در مرحله دوم, the workpiece pallet can be customizable according to the specific production process. There are different loads and material choices, such as wood, پی وی سی, آلومینیوم, فولاد, و غیره.

3. ثالثاً, the lifting and transverse conveyor can help realize the circular assembly line. It is determined by the size of the workpiece pallet. تحت شرایط عادی, a horizontal circular assembly conveyor line requires 4 sets of traverse conveyors.

4. به همین ترتیب, the accumulation roller chain also has a distinction between load and material. There are light load and heavy load free flow conveyor chains. علاوه بر این, there are nylon, carbon steel and stainless steel materials.

5. The blocking mechanism can block the tooling board. The product is processed in the relevant process at this workstation. Release after processing.

6. In case of emergencies, press the emergency button firstly. Then check the assembly line conveyor system.


How to operate the free flow chain assembly line conveyor system?

1. اولا, turn on the compressed air switch. After the gas storage tank pressure reaches 5KG, turn on the gas valve switch to inflate the conveyor assembly line.

2. در مرحله دوم, turn on the power switch on the panel of the electric control box. در این زمان, چراغ نشانگر برق روشن است. The VFD is energized. Adjust the motor speed according to the production cycle requirements. سپس, twist the selection mode switch. Choose the mode you want to run. بعد, activate the run switch. Then the assembly line conveyor system will run automatically.

3. ثالثاً, check whether the lifting and transverse conveyor is lowered in place when there is no workpiece pallet. اگر نه, reset it manually. به این معنا که, turn on the manual switch of this conveyor. Then press down manually. Finally reset to the automatic switch.

4. چهارم, check whether the lifting and transverse conveyor has risen in place when starting up. اگر نه, follow the same method as above.

5. مثلا, the assembly line conveyor is designed for free rhythm. Each station is set to free-release mode according to the production cycle.

6. سرانجام, the shutdown operation: turn off the socket power supply, turn off the lighting switch, turn off the air source, and turn off the master switch.

If you want to customize the assembly line conveyor system, pls contact us.


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