
Мадульны канвеер для зборкі паддонаў нарыхтоўкі 160 кг



Модульная зборачная лінія з'яўляецца несінхроннай сістэмай перадачы інструментальнай платы. Да таго ж Канвеер нарыхтоўкі з'яўляецца эфектыўнай платформай, якая складае сістэму зборкі і выпрабаванняў. Канвеер для зборкі паддонаў падыходзіць для працоўных станцый, якія патрабуюць дакладнага пазіцыянавання. Мы можам выкарыстоўваць яго для стварэння паўаўтаматычных або цалкам аўтаматычных сістэм.

Модульны транспарцёр для паддонаў абсталяваны паддонамі і пад'ёмным механізмам & блок пазіцыянавання. Таму, ён можа рэалізаваць высокадакладную аўтаматызаваную зборку працоўных станцый. Гэта падобна на транспарцёры для паддонаў Bosch, такія як TS1, TS2, TS4, Канвеер TS5. Модульны зборны канвеер мае вельмі добрую перавагу. Таму што кожны кампанент стандартызаваны і мадулярызаваны, дызайн яго больш гнуткі. Прычым, ён можа свабодна пераходзіць з вытворчай лініі канвеера. Такім чынам, вы можаце гнутка мяняць модульны канвеер нарыхтоўкі для розных вырабаў або працэсаў.

Тут мы прадстаўляем канвеер для зборкі нейлонавай істужачнай базы нагрузкай 160 кг. Яго прымяненне заключаецца ў наступным:

• Ён можа рэалізаваць высокадакладную аўтаматычную зборку працоўных станцый. Таму, it is widely used in car parts assembly lines and auto automatic production lines.
• Modular pallet conveyor has wide product size adaptability. Такім чынам, it has wide application in electronic production lines.
• The modular assembly line is stable, dry and clean. So we usually use it for energy battery conveyor lines, such as battery assembly lines, lithium battery PACK lines and module lines.


Technical Specification of Modular Assembly Line Pallet Belt Conveyor:

modular assembly line belt conveyor

Pallet assembly conveyor length


Памер паддона нарыхтоўкі

160~ 640мм

Workpiece conveyor height

Customizable as request

Максімальная грузападымальнасць (усяго)


Хуткасць руху канвеера (максімальная нагрузка)

5~ 20 м / мін

Канвеер сярэдняга

30mm width anti-static nylon base belt

Матэрыял рамы

Алюмініевы профіль

Тып ўстаноўкі рухавіка

Канец дыска альбо цэнтральны дыск

Stands spacing

800~1600 мм, or custom

Ласкавая нота: the load capacity is the total load. Unit load capacity of workpiece conveyor≤0.6kg/cm.

The modular pallet assembly conveyor can have different layouts as requests. It can be horizontal circulation assembly system, vertical circulation system or other complicated layouts.

assembly conveyor system layout


Characteristics of Modular Workpiece Conveyor

① Па-першае, this kind of assembly line conveyor is suitable for small load (Max 160KG).

② Па-другое, easy to use, fast delivery, beautiful appearance and convenient maintenance.

③ It is possible to add a lifting device or a lateral turning device to the system. In this way, it can make a circular assembly system. Таму, modular assembly line can reduce the floor space.

④ Flexible design allows customers to use workpiece pallets of different sizes on the same system. Thus it help customers to assemble a variety of products. So it save the costs.

⑤ The pallet assembly conveyor system adopts aluminum profile frame. Адначасова, each unit is a modular design. Таму, it can be very flexible in a convenient combination for various occasions. So it can quickly meet the requirements of various automatic production lines.

Ласкавая нота: the conveying direction of pallet assembly conveyor must follow the arrow in the figure above.


How to install / assemble the modular pallet assembly conveyor?

З-за простай канструкцыі модульнага канвеера нарыхтоўкі, нашы пастаўкі ў выглядзе аксесуараў. Канешне, зборка вельмі простая. Вы можаце звярнуцца да наступных інструкцый па зборцы.

1. Перш за ўсё, if your workpiece conveyor compose of two or more section parts, join them together as the picture.

2. Па-другое, mount the guide rails onto the stands. And adjust the foot height in order to make the conveyor stable.

3. Па-трэцяе, install the drive unit and driven unit onto the guide rails of modular assembly line.

4. Immediately after, install the conveyor belt of pallet assembly conveyor:

① Above all, confirm the upper and lower layers of the adhesive surface of the belt according to conveying direction. Then install the belt onto the drive wheel.

② Pull up the two belts and fix them on the auxiliary profile with the clamping blocks. Then connect the chain block with auxiliary profile on one end and auxiliary steel shaft on the other end. Tighten the chain block. And make the clamping block and auxiliary profile move to the driven end. Finally install the conveyor belt onto the driven wheel.

③ Afterwards, fix the head end friction strip and blocking plate onto the casing of drive / driven unit. Then disconnect the chain block and clamping block. And the conveyor belt will be tensioned automatically.

So far, it completes installation process of the modular pallet assembly conveyor. У дадатак, if you want to replace the belt, please cut the wear strip at the end, and then take out the old belt. Finally follow the steps above to install the belt.


How to maintain modular assembly line conveyor system?

Although the modular pallet assembly conveyor has stable performance, it also needs timely maintenance. Напрыклад, you need clean the workpiece conveyor in time. Адначасова, replace damaged spare parts. And to do preventive maintenance work.

1. Daily maintenance
Before starting the modular assembly line every day, check it carefully. To avoid objects falling on it. If there is, it must be cleared in time. Інакш, it will damage machine.

2. Weekly maintenance

Clean the pallet assembly conveyor each week. Ласкавая нота: Do not use lubricating oil or cleaning agents that will corrode the machine.

3. Monthly maintenace

Check the parts that may be loose every month. If so, fasten them.

4. Quarterly maintenance

Check whether the circuit is damaged. The focus is on the various wiring positions of the modular assembly line.


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